Mass Times

Mass Times

For Mass dates, please click on the following link:

Please see weekly newsletter for updates

Saturday: 6 pm alternate weeks
Sunday: 10 am alternate Sundays with Saint Thomas Mayfield at 10.00 am.

Holy Days of Obligation: See newsletter
Confessions: After Mass on Wednesday’s or by appointment with Fr Patrick
Adoration of the Blessed Sacrament: Every first Friday, 9 am to 10 am.

There are Fairtrade refreshments, including tea, coffee and biscuits served after 10 am Mass on alternate Sundays

Children’s Liturgy of the Word

Alternate Sunday’s after 10 am Mass.

Prayer Groups

Prayers for Healing

Mothers Prayers

For further information please contact Father Patrick

Please do let the Priest know if anyone in your family is sick or unable to get to church so that Holy Communion can be brought to them at home.